Industry Spotlight: Medical

The website for your medical practice is one of the most important places you can disseminate information to patients.
As a medical practice, your website is an extremely important place to disseminate information to your patients including processes, announcements, and form requirements. Especially with the outbreak of COVID-19 and the lengthy requirements for seeing patients safely, your website is the best place to communicate what to expect and how to be prepared to patients prior to their appointment. At H1, we've helped simplify patient onboarding and streamline communication in a variety of ways including the digitization of all patient forms and allowing referring providers to submit sensitive patient information in a secure way directly on the website. We fully understand HIPAA requirements and provide solutions that will keep patient data safe and secure.
Project Challenges + Solutions:
Colorado Retina Associates needed a way for doctors to submit patient referrals via the website in an automated, yet secure way. We built out a robust patient referral form that is 100% HIPAA-compliant and allows doctors to submit patient info, insurance info, x-rays and pictures. Upon form submission, the medical practice is immediately notified via email with all the information included.
They wanted the website to also be a place where patients could go to learn about the different types of conditions the practice treats and how their specialists differ from more general eye care doctors. We built out a robust Conditions and Patient Education section of the site that contains information about each condition and custom-designed graphics that help patients better understand what a condition looks like behind the eye.
How We've Helped During COVID-19:
As a medical practice, Colorado Retina Associates has been opened since the start of the pandemic, but under the extremely strict municipal rules and guidelines for mandatory businesses. In order to best communicate with their patients during the quickly evolving situation over the past few months, H1 made the following changes on the Colorado Retina website:
- Added in a bright green, extremely noticeable and sticky top announcement bar with the latest information that was easy to update by the client in the content management system.
- Changed the top hero section on the home page to be revolving images with instructions at the bottom for what patients should expect upon appointment arrival.
- Added in a bright red bar on top of the hero image on the home page with specific communications for patients and referring providers.
The ability act quickly to get essential information live on your website during emergent times is critical, and H1 was able to make these changes for the practice within just a few days.
Other Unique Site Features Include:
- 100% HIPAA-compliant forms
- Custom Medical Condition Graphics
- Interactive Google Maps to easily show all locations
- Translation into 100+ languages
- Accessibility Version for people with disabilities
See more sites in H1's portfolio HERE.